Mare Nostrum
47 Products
0 Specials
Dairy & Eggs
Meat & Poultry
Frozen & Chilled
Dry Goods (Pantry)
Mare Nostrum
47 Products
0 Specials
About Mare Nostrum
Local family owned
Custom products on request
Volume pricing on request
Mare Nostrum in Melbourne supplies premium Spanish fresh and dried smallgoods and kitchen items (dry, fresh or frozen) and value-added items such as Spanish soft drinks and mineral water to clubs, restaurants, international hotels, and delish.
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Mare Nostrum is a Victorian distributor of premium Spanish fresh and dried smallgoods and kitchen items (dry, fresh or frozen) . Mare Nostrum wide range of Spanish products are exclusively sourced from local manufacturers and selected overseas suppliers. Mare Nostrum curates a very selected list of products from best of breed suppliers and maintains high quality, to help their customers achieve the best experience for their customers and highest profitability for the business.
Dairy & Eggs
Meat & Poultry
Frozen & Chilled
Dry Goods (Pantry)
Mare Nostrum Delivers to:
Regional VIC

Order now to connect to Mare Nostrum and hundreds of other wholesale suppliers. Save time, reduce your COGS and pay your suppliers flexibly, all in one place.

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Order from Mare Nostrum on FoodByUs
Use FoodByUs to save time, reduce your COGS and pay all your suppliers flexibly.
  • Order from all your suppliers in one place
  • Reduce errors and cut mistakes by 95%
  • Save time by ordering 4x faster per week
Trusted by 1000’s of venues across the country
Why Use FoodByUs?

Invoice Hub

Quick, error-free & automated invoice capturing for all your orders. Unlock live price visibility over your food spend.

Trade Financing

Manage your cash flow with flexible payments – up to 14 day terms, Credit Card or Direct Debit.

Accounting Integration

Save time by syncing all your invoices straight to Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks – no manual entry required.

Menu Costing

Calculate, build and cost your menu items. Monitor your margins and watch your COGS drop.

Mare Nostrum
47 Products
0 Specials
Dairy & Eggs
Meat & Poultry
Frozen & Chilled
Dry Goods (Pantry)
Mare Nostrum
47 Products
0 Specials
About Mare Nostrum
Local family owned
Custom products on request
Volume pricing on request
Mare Nostrum in Melbourne supplies premium Spanish fresh and dried smallgoods and kitchen items (dry, fresh or frozen) and value-added items such as Spanish soft drinks and mineral water to clubs, restaurants, international hotels, and delish.
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Mare Nostrum is a Victorian distributor of premium Spanish fresh and dried smallgoods and kitchen items (dry, fresh or frozen) . Mare Nostrum wide range of Spanish products are exclusively sourced from local manufacturers and selected overseas suppliers. Mare Nostrum curates a very selected list of products from best of breed suppliers and maintains high quality, to help their customers achieve the best experience for their customers and highest profitability for the business.
Dairy & Eggs
Meat & Poultry
Frozen & Chilled
Dry Goods (Pantry)
Mare Nostrum Delivers to:
Regional VIC

Order now to connect to Mare Nostrum and hundreds of other wholesale suppliers. Save time, reduce your COGS and pay your suppliers flexibly, all in one place.

Popular Products

Top products from Mare Nostrum

Order from Mare Nostrum on FoodByUs
Use FoodByUs to save time, reduce your COGS and pay all your suppliers flexibly.
  • Order from all your suppliers in one place
  • Reduce errors and cut mistakes by 95%
  • Save time by ordering 4x faster per week
Trusted by 1000’s of venues across the country
Why Use FoodByUs?

Invoice Hub

Quick, error-free & automated invoice capturing for all your orders. Unlock live price visibility over your food spend.

Trade Financing

Manage your cash flow with flexible payments – up to 14 day terms, Credit Card or Direct Debit.

Accounting Integration

Save time by syncing all your invoices straight to Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks – no manual entry required.

Menu Costing

Calculate, build and cost your menu items. Monitor your margins and watch your COGS drop.